From our friends at Lake John Resort lakejohnresort.com Ice Fishing/Conditions Report Lake John/Delaney Butte/Cowdrey Lakes 22, January, 2020 Good afternoon! We aren’t receiving much snow form this storm here, just a dusting. All the roads to the lakes are plowed, snow packed in areas but accessible. More detail on certain lakes below. Vehicles, snowmobiles and 4 wheelers are continuing to venture out on the ice here at Lake John and the Delaney’s. Lake John = 14-16” of ice with 0-4” of snow on top of the ice depending on pockets drifted from wind. Roads accessible with some drifting near the edges and the road is still accessible to the south end of the lake. Lots of fisherman fishing this lake, most reporting it to be very slow but the ones catching fish are very satisfied with the size and overall health. Still a mix of baits being spoken about: everyone is using something different right now, meal worms, wax worms, kastmasters, colored jig heads with shrimp, tubes with garlic oil, hd ice dynamic lures, peddle bugs in white. North Delaney = Near the boat ramp is 10-12” of ice, west side 14-16” of ice and 2-6” of snow on top of the ice. Anglers are reporting this lake to be very slow as well and the key is to fish it very early morning and late evening. South Delaney = Lake capped with solid 14-16” of ice, 2-4” of snow on ice. Roads around lake on west and northeast side of lake are drifted/not passable. Anglers reporting steady bite other than from 2 to 3:30pm using white Berkeley tubes in 16 FOW & spoons. East Delaney = 10-14” of ice near the parking area. No recent fishing information shared. Cowdrey = capped with 10-14” of ice. Most anglers reporting no fish movement on cameras or anything being caught. Big Creek = This lake is only accessible by snowmobile at this point. Last measurement of ice reported to us was 8” with fishing being active. A continued FYI… The North Park Chamber of Commerce has scheduled the ice fishing contests for Delaney Buttes as follows: - Delaney Butte Lakes Ice Fishing Contest February 1st 2020 Details and information available at: northparkchamber.net or lakejohnresort.com (fishing tab)
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