Forest Service partners with University of Wyoming; volunteers needed for Public Lands Day events on September 28 (LARAMIE, Wyo.) September 18, 2019 – The Laramie Ranger District has partnered with multiple groups, including the University of Wyoming (UW), to hold local volunteer events on National and Wyoming Public Lands Day, Saturday, Sept. 28. Billed as the largest single-day volunteer effort for America’s public lands, the day highlights the importance of public lands nationally and in Wyoming, as well as acknowledging the multiple uses of public lands. Volunteers are needed to assist with three events near Laramie on that day, one of which will be held on the Pole Mountain unit of the Medicine Bow National Forest. Working under an agreement with Common Outdoor Ground (COG), two old sections of the Aspen Trail on Pole Mountain will be rehabilitated, due to new reroutes. COG will also lead a clean-up event in Roger Canyon north east of Laramie on a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) managed section. Under Laramie BikeNet’s direction, new trail will be constructed on the state section east of Laramie, referred to as the Schoolyard. The service day is a product of the University of Wyoming’s Service, Leadership and Community Engagement office, the UW Outdoor Program, Wyoming Conservation Corps, COG, Laramie BikeNet, Wyoming Pathways, the BLM, and the Forest Service. Volunteers are asked to meet at 9 a.m. in front of the Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center’s northeast corner, near the Outdoor Program entrance. From that location, groups will head out to their respective work sites. This full-day event includes transportation if needed (carpooling also encouraged), food, tools, work gloves (please bring them if you have your own), and representatives who will help facilitate the work-day. Volunteers should wear closed toe shoes and bring water. Long sleeve shirts and pants are recommended. Most project work should be completed by 2 p.m. Doughnuts and lunch will be provided for volunteers. Those who wish to help naturalize the Aspen Trail should anticipate a short hike to get to the work site. UW students and staff interested in the event can register through UW Connect. Community members can register on Eventbrite. A Facebook event page is also live. Common Outdoor Ground is a community organization providing volunteer support for sustainability of outdoor spaces in southeast Wyoming. COG has an agreement with the Laramie Ranger District to help coordinate volunteers and resources for multiple work days and events in 2019. The Pole Mountain unit is a focus area for trails work within the Medicine Bow National Forest. For more information on the Pole Mountain unit, contact the Laramie Ranger District at (307) 745-2300, 2468 Jackson St. in Laramie. You can also visit our website at, or follow the Medicine Bow National Forest on Twitter, @FS_MBRTB.
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